CCVMC Board of Directors

President - Robert Wichert  email:
Vice President -  Kennon Hudson
Secretary - Sally Wichert email:
Treasurer -  Jeanne Haley
Directors - Virginia Terranova
Kristen Wood
Eugenia Kakita


For membership application, click HERE.

To get information about Maltese Rescue / Donations / or Foster Homes, please visit:   See this wonderful organization and how they have helped Maltese in need all over this country.  The American Maltese Rescue is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit organization.
The American Maltese Association is our National Club and to see events, articles and very useful information, please visit


Nor Cal Toy Dog Fanciers is a toy club in Northern California.  The object of the club is to further the advancement of all Toy Breeds of purebred dogs.  Nor-Cal Toy Dog Fanciers is dedicated to the preservation of these toy breeds.  Please visit:


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